
I am a macOS system developer. I create simple and intuitive products for desktop and mobile. I've worked in product development and design, working with both individuals with great ideas and large companies.

Apart from building apps for macOS (the ones that the user eventually sees in Launchpad, like applications for video capturing/playback and image editing), I create system level software - kernel and usermode drivers, system agents and daemons, boxed with an installer/uninstaller and a retina-friendly dmg package for Mac.

A lot of my applications interact with the hardware and various web services.

Although a software engineer, I consider myself a bit of a UI designer.

I am interested in networking, device drivers, USB driver software, creating desktop user experience, os x development in general, iOS development. Apart from OS X development, I've created Windows software, including drivers and desktop level SW (system services, UI applications), Linux UI and crossplatform software, Microcontrollers firmware (Arduino, STM32). I love learning new areas. Please take a look at my vision for my attitude.

Some of the kinds of applications I have built:

My hobbies include robotics and machine learning. I am an Applied Mathematics graduate.

As one of my personal research projects I designed and built a quad-copter completely from scratch, including building the frame, an STM32-based flight controller (designing and implementing a supporting firmware, reading sensors data (Invensense MPU9250 gyro, accelerometer, magnetometer, BME280 variometer), implementing a raw sensor data fusion using Madgwick algorithm, implementing and tuning the PID control algorithm, reading PPM receiver signals, controlling power circuits), and all the necessary calibration software.

A few words about me


Although I am a software engineer, I like to think I have nice design skills. I always try to make the product perfect. I enjoy improving every little detail until I see it fits exactly where it belongs. Until there's nothing more essential to add and nothing more excessive to take away. But even then I do not settle. I know what the words "Pixel Perfect" mean.

I believe in these things because the products are for the users. Because, unlike us, developers, the users work with them, interact with them, sometimes struggle with them, every day. And they deserve to have their work relieved. Every detail must be considered.

I also believe that even though the technology is important, it is only a tool to make great products. You should not stuff a product with as many newest features as possible just because they exist. You have to know when to say "No".

Every product that I make eventually is being used by lots of users every day and I believe it is important that the experience they have is the best possible.

I have high standards in design and user experience. The apps that I make eventually comply to Apple Human Interface Guidelines. And even though these principles are not as strict as the iOS ones, I consider them important, as each application has to seamlessly integrate into the macOS ecosystem. Mac users are more demanding than the users of other operating systems, as they are used to Apple always putting user experience first.